Wednesday 2 April 2014


Cast Hexagram:

10 - Ten

Lü / Worrying the Tiger

Heaven shines down on the Marsh which reflects it back imperfectly:
Though the Superior Man carefully discriminates between high and low, and acts in accord with the flow of the Tao, there are still situations where a risk must be taken.

You tread upon the tail of the tiger.
Not perceiving you as a threat, the startled tiger does not bite.


You have reached a perilous point in your journey.
This is a real gamble -- not a maneuver, not a calculated risk.
The outcome is uncertain.
If it goes as you hope, you will gain -- but if it turns against you it will cause serious injury, at least to your plans.
The best tack is extreme caution and a healthy respect for the danger involved.

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